For some people, confidence comes naturally. But for others, it can be a struggle. Confidence can sway or even disappear from time to time as a result of our environment and those around us. But the good news? You can always get it back. 

How? From practicing self-care to being open to new experiences like public speaking, here are 10 simple things you can do to boost your self-confidence.  

1. Get Regular Exercise

One easy way to boost your confidence? Break out the workout leggings and take a walk or hit the gym. Science has consistently shown that exercise increases endorphins and reduces stress. Not to mention, it tones our muscles, which leaves us feeling happy about our body and feeling confident overall.

To feel that much-needed confidence boost, all you have to do is take a walk a few days a week. No high-impact exercise is necessary.  

2. Focus on Uplifting Others 

One simple thing you can do to boost your self-confidence is to pass it on, so to speak. Uplifting others and letting them see their strengths through positive reinforcement can make you feel good about making them feel good. It’s a win-win!

It also allows you to be more humble, allowing your friend or partner to take center stage. This also removes some of the pressure off, especially if you’re a people-pleaser who is always worried about what others may think. 

Introverts are exceptionally good at lifting up others, as it takes the attention away from themselves. But if you struggle with this aspect, remember to turn the focus on the person you are speaking with and listen to what they have to say. You will not only come across confident in yourself, but a genuinely warm, kind-hearted person.  

3. Know and Accept Yourself (Strengths, Weaknesses and All)

It’s essential to understand and acknowledge your unique personality. After all, everyone is vastly different. But in knowing and recognizing yourself, you can accept yourself, as well as all the strengths, weaknesses and flaws that come along with it. 

While it seems contradictory in boosting confidence, knowing your weaknesses and flaws can help you define boundaries and know your limitations. And this is a good thing. Part of self-confidence lies in being humble, too, understanding that not everyone is alike. For example, some extroverts and introverts may show confidence in their own ways. 

4. Smile More, Even if Only to Yourself

For extroverts who are more of a social butterfly, smiling comes easy. But for some introverts, smiling at every person that passes is just not your thing. However, it’s worth pointing out that a smile can go a long way in boosting your self-confidence. 

So, even if you crack a smile only to yourself, just let it happen. Eventually, you’ll find that smiling comes naturally. Plus, studies have shown that smiling also reduces stress and allows you to be more relaxed.    

5. Practice Self-Care 

Self-care is essential when it comes to boosting your self-confidence. It’s incredible what a soothing, hot shower can do to start the day. A manicure or haircut to feel groomed and polished does wonders to boost your confidence, as well as your self-image. 

But it’s also about taking the time to touch base with yourself on a daily or weekly basis, practicing self-love and mindfulness. 

6. Dress Up Nicely

While beauty is skin deep, there is still something to be said about feeling sexy or loving the way you look. Another simple thing you can do to boost your self-confidence is to dress up nicely. Especially if you work from home or are a stay-at-home mom, you might have quickly forgotten the last time you wore a power suit or a dress. 

So treat yourself to a lovely new outfit or break out a tried-and-true–whatever garment or accessory makes you feel fabulous! It could be anything from killer heels, glimmering jewelry or even a bodycon dress with some shapewear to tuck in those pesky bulges. Whatever it takes! 

7. Find Activities You Enjoy and Excel at

Activities like sports, games or playing an instrument can truly boost your self-confidence, especially when you know you’re good at it. That’s why it’s vital to discover activities you enjoy and excel at to soothe your ego at the end of the day or the week. Feeling accomplished that you wrote a song or won a game helps you identify with your strengths as well. 

It’s important to note that the activity can provide self-satisfaction and does not need a physical pat on the back or even applause. Knowing you accomplished something should be enough to boost your self-confidence. 

8. Hold Your Ground and Be True to Your Beliefs

Another simple thing you can do to boost your self-confidence is to hold your ground and stay true to your core beliefs. However, this often means you need to be direct and honest with others when you disagree with them, forcing you to confront uncomfortable situations. 

While many people may find it easier to run away and disregard the moment to speak up–overcome with shyness or scared of what others might think–it’s better to address it head-on and speak your mind to the person you’re afraid to approach. 

9. Be Open to New Experiences

Another way to banish shyness is to open yourself up to new experiences. This doesn’t necessarily mean to say yes to an uncomfortable situation you are firmly against. It’s more about allowing yourself to branch out of your comfort zone in a healthy way.

Instead of being overcome with what may first be an uneasy situation, like public speaking or teaching a class, you can gain confidence at having tried something new. Often, these new experiences take practice and preparation, like organizing note cards of a speech or breaking down your class structure.  Eventually, the task will become second nature and you won’t even break a sweat. Instead, your confidence will inspire others to do the same.   

10. Examine Your Posture and Body Language

Sometimes, you can boost your confidence by merely addressing poor posture and using subtle body language and micro-expressions. So instead of slumping in your chair or biting your lip out of nervousness, sit up straight, square your shoulders and smile. 

As you stand, stand tall and assured as if you know exactly where you’re headed. There’s no better confidence booster than walking into a room like you own the place.