Students of Piedmont High School in California have created their own version of the popular “Fantasy Football League.”

While the majority of football fans are trading and racking up points on their online league, the male population of Piedmont High School is scoring in more ways than one. Instead of having a roster of male football players, students trade “sluts”.

The genius is behind the scoring system. How does your Fantasy Slut Team score points? Simple- by scoring with the members on your team. Each time you have some sort of sexual intercourse with the girls on your team, you score a point. While to the boys at Piedmont High School this is just fun and games, many people- the girl’s parents for example- are more horrified than anything else.
Superintendent Constance Hubbard commented on the findings by saying, “We wanted to make sure that parents were aware of things that were going in their kids’ lives.

The Fantasy Slut League was first established about six years ago and has been an ongoing practice since. The Principal of the high school, Rich Kitchens, is working to put a stop to the entire organization. The principal wrote, “Participation often involved pressure/manipulation by older students that included alcohol to impair judgment/control and social demands to be popular.”

Currently, the school is planning a series of on campus assemblies with lessons about preventing this in the future. True, the practice does seem to be insulting and demeaning to girls and women alike, but at the same time the chances that breaking up the league will result in less sexual activity among classmates is very unlikely.

Sure, there won’t be an official scoreboard, but boys will be boys and girls will be girls. There is not much that can stop them from copulating and- whether or not parents and school administrators will acknowledge it- the boys will be keeping score.

Paul Hudson | Elite.