Kindergarteners in Chicago will learn to “bang bang,” as Chief Keef would say, in a safe way, as sex education will start when kids are still having nap time.

School districts in Chicago will begin addressing questions students have about sex at an early age.

Questions about sexual orientation will be answered in order to prevent bullying.


Students will learn what are appropriate and inappropriate touches and interactions, and by fourth grade, they will learn about puberty and HIV.

The topics of reproduction, contraception, and measures to prevent HIV/AIDS would be taught once they reach the fifth grade.

“It is important that we provide students of all ages with accurate and appropriate information so they can make healthy choices in regards to their social interactions, behaviors, and relationships,” Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett said in a statement.
While Byrd-Bennett stresses that the lectures would be age-appropriate, parents will have the option to opt out of having their children attend the sex ed classes.

The proposal is being shopped ot the Chicago Board of Education, and if approved, it will be implemented in 2016.

Jordan Shepherd | Elite.