Those sketchy sperm donor ads on Craigslist may have worse consequences than you already think, as a sperm donor is being forced to pay child support to the lesbian couple who enlisted him via Craigslist.

Angela Bauer, 40, and her partner, Jennifer Schreiner, 34, placed a Craigslist ad asking for a sperm donor three years ago that was answered by William Marotta.

Marotta provided sperm to artificially inseminate Ms. Schreiner in return of giving up parental duties including financial support of the child.

Now, however, the Kansas Department for Children and Families has ordered Marotta to support the three-year-old child after Bauer and Schreiner applied for welfare earlier this year.

The state decided that the contract relinquishing Marotta’s parental responsibility was void because the insemination was not performed by a certified doctor.

While the couple tried to protect Marotta’s identity, state officials threatened that they would not be able to receive health care for their daughter.

“We’re kind of at a loss. We are going to support him in whatever action he wants to go forward with,” said Bauer.

The couple had been together for eight years and adopted eight children. They ended their relationship in 2010 but continue to co-parent their sons and daughters who range from three months to 25-years-old.

The state of Kansas does not recognize same-sex unions, so each of their children was registered for adoption by a single parent.

James Gilbert | Elite.