The NFL draft is a time for young college kids to showcase not only their talent for franchises but also a time to show the world a bit of their fashion sense. And while everyone is mandated to wear formal attire with suits, we still see some flare from time to time.

Take a look at Detroit Lions fifth overall pick Ezekiel Ansah out of BYU. The Ghanaian defensive beast is a promising pro prospect, but that’s not to say he didn’t make a questionable fashion choice at yesterday’s draft.

All eyes were on him as he took to the Radio City Music Hall stage and accepted a handshake from commissioner Roger Goodell, alongside his father. But upon taking a closer look you begin to notice something very strange.


What seems like some trendy glasses made popular by athletes such as Russell Westbrook and Dwyane Wade, turned out to be none other than a pair of those special real 3D glasses given out at the movies. Even more, there weren’t even lenses in the damn things which makes this all the more weird.

Look man we know you’re foreign, but you’ve spent a few years in the states so you should know what’s good by now. He was in Utah, however, so who knows what kind of style trends he picked up out there.

Sure these are a cheap option for some stylish glasses but it’s just not a very good look. While he is on his way to getting a fat multi-million dollar contract, he was probably the most popped looking prospect to ever grace that revered stage.

It’s all good though Ziggy. You’ll definitely pick up some better fashion sense in the Motor City. Then again maybe not.

Adam Hayes | Elite.