Ray Lewis gave everyone a peek behind the curtain, so to speak, as to why he is so intense. Ray Lewis father wasn’t in his life, and that resentment for his father drove him to become a great athlete. Ray still never had a relationship with his father until recently, but the story has a happy ending. Ray eventually spent time with father and while driving to North Carolina together his father explained his side of the story and took Ray to meet his grandfather. It turns out that the cycle of fathers not knowing their sons had gone on for 5 generations in that family. Needless to say, Ray and his father are now close. The Ray Lewis story is a great story for people to learn from. The world can have you frustrated, but you have to channel that anger into something positive. One moment can ruin your life, as Ray Lewis can attest to. Does anyone remember that double homicide charge from some years ago? The way he has redeemed himself is amazing. I think he may be more marketable than before because I personally put him above athlete status. People may not think it but he is articulate and very intelligent, and I could very easily see him commanding top dollar as a motivational speaker after his football career is over.

Found on Hip Hop Mula. Culture