
Producers who love there craft but hate that FL Studios isn’t available on Mac, your day is here. After many years of only being issued as PC only is coming to Mac.

According to residentadvisor.net,

FL Studio had always been a PC-only affair, even as it’s matured into its current form. Though there were plenty of workarounds—like the Boot Camp utility, which lets Mac users create a Windows-running partition, or, more recently, a “wrapped” beta version powered by Codeweavers CrossOver software—a fully-fledged Mac version of the next release, FL Studio 12, will be available sometime next year.

The company behind FL Studio, Image-Line, said in a statementposted to Attack Magazine that their software was written in such a way that it was difficult to break away from Windows before now. An Mac OSX compiler for Delphi, the programming language FL Studio was developed in, only recently appeared; before that, they would have had to port all of the code to another language. “We never thought that was a good idea,” the statement reads, “and that’s why we never did it before. But, things have changed, so let’s call this progress.” Much of the job now is switching over “operating system dependent calls” from the Windows API to Mac, which Image-Line cautions is quite time consuming.

Stay tuned to HHS1987 for more details on FL Studios big move.