by Jamie Wisniewski on September 21, 2012
Senior > Communication Studies > Montclair State University

The Greeks. You see them in the movies. You see the photos on Facebook. You see the strange symbols plastered on every tee-shirt, and have no idea what they mean. Some say the letters stand for brotherhood. Some say they stand for leadership. And some say they are fancy dollar signs representing the amount of money it costs to make friends in college. So, how do you know if Greek Life is right for you? Here are a few things you need to know before rushing into student organizations at your school:

Discover your interests
Before joining an organization, you must ask yourself, what am I interested in? Despite what the movies say, there is more to college than Greek life and athletics. Are you looking to get more involved with your major? Are you interested in community service? Your school offers something for everyone, but you may be unsure what it has to offer. Visit your student center or university website to learn about different opportunities waiting for you that don’t require a pledging process.

Organizations are eager to recruit new students each semester. Think of these recruiters as salespeople. Every club is going to persuade you that their organization is perfect for you. But you wouldn’t buy a product without researching it first, right? If you buy the first car you see and look no further, you may find a better fit for you down the road. The same goes for student organizations. Learn about the sorority. Ask questions. The first club to approach you may not be right for you, so be patient and selective.

via College Magazine