Research released this past Monday from the Center for College Affordability and Productivity states that nearly half of America’s recent college graduates are employed working jobs that do not require a college degree.

President Obama has been challenging the nation’s universities to increase their number of degrees they grant by using federal funding as incentive.


In a response to the challenge, The Ohio State University President E. Gordon wrote last week, “If we do not as a nation increase the number graduates, then we risk the very foundation of the American Dream.”

The question is now whether or not doing so makes sense seeing as how so many graduates can’t find a job worthy of their expensive skills.

Out of 41.7 million college graduates in 2010 48% now work jobs that require less than a bachelors degree. 38% of those polled work jobs that don’t even require a high school diploma.

Researchers Richard Vedder, Jonathan Robe and Christopher Denhart said that the U.S. could be overeducating its citizens.

The number of college graduates is believed to possibly grow by 19 million between 2010 to 2020; the number of jobs will most likely only grow by 7 million.

Paul Hudson | Elite.