a town

Instagram star “Atown” became a top trending topic on Twitter this morning, November 10th, as he was photographed and filmed “laying the pipe” on a young woman inside of a hotel room.

He apparently was awoken by the pleasures of oral stimulation, and his manager, Snacks, snapped a photo of him lying back enjoying the woman’s “Jimmy Neutron” skills. Atown made sure to keep the blanket over the woman’s face as she worked her mouth on his lower region; however, the shocked bedroom documentation didn’t stop there.

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Atown uploaded a video of himself in the action thrusting on the woman at rapid speeds while making his signature “Bird Call” noises. The sounds coming from underneath the blanket are what surprised fans the most, as no one would actually think that Atown would make those comical bird noises while in the sheets.

Atown tried at one point to deter his fans from looking for the girl in the video, but she owned up to it in the end. Even though the woman’s face remained hidden throughout the duration of their 6-second sex tape, amid all of the fans’ investigation to discover who his partner was, someone has actually come forward owning up to her role in the video and fellatio picture.

A young lady by the name of Khalea Spence posted the picture of herself performing “calculus” on Atown’s “brain” with the caption: “Why My Bestfiend Play So Much.” She also admitted that she did it because she was low on money at the time, and went on to troll him for the odd sounds that he made while giving her the long strokes.

Since the picture and video was posted, fans have gone in with loads of reactions to the visuals of Atown intimate in bed. He received praise while also became the target of some harsh jokes. Atown tried at one point to deter his fans from looking for the girl in the video, but she owned up to it in the end.

Via Vlad Tv