The U.S. Federal Reserve recently announced that its re-designed $100 bills will go into circulation on October 8th of this year.

Originally planned for 2010, the release of these interesting-looking bills was delayed by production errors concerning the blue ribbon threading through the bill.

The decision to change the appearance of the $100 bill was due to the increasing population of the bill in the modern world. There were more than 820 million $100 bills in circulation last year, making it the most popular bank note, by value, among the world’s major currencies.

New hundreds

And we all know how much drug and weapon dealers love the hundred dollar bill.

The new edition includes security features intended to thwart counterfeiters and a change in the appearance of Ben Franklin, whose collar now reads “The United States of America” in tiny lettering. Another image of Franklin also appears when the bill is held up to light.

But how about that golden “100″ on the right side? Now that is outrageous.

Sean Levinson | Elite.