What’s cooler than an interactive coffee table smack in the middle of your living room? Probably nothing. You’re going to make sure you don’t spill coffee on this touchscreen coffee table! The table is made from wood and is stained black. The screen in the middle is interactive and runs the Windows 8 operating system, so you can connect to the internet and do everything you normally do on your computer right on your coffee table.

The computer packs an Intel Core i5 3.2 GHz processor, 6 GB of memory, 500 GB hard drive, and is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled. This coffee-table-tablet-computer come with a price tag of $7,000 and measures 48″ L x 30″ W x 18″ D. – Luxury Launches
Wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a seat in the morning before work and scroll through your never ending list of emails in your inbox. Oh and by the way, who needs 1080p when you’re working with 1366 x7 68 resolution?! Interested in it? It’s available on Hammacher Schlemmer’s website for $7,000.


