For any of you that have read Choke by Chuck Palahniuk, author of the more popular Fight Club, you may have very well been in disbelief when meeting the sex-addicted protagonist.

Is such sex addiction really possible? According to a study conducted by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) it is. Researchers that participated in the study were able to define the aspects as well as quantifying symptoms that will lead to diagnosing patients with hypersexual disorder.

While most of you feel that this is irrelevant to you, keep in mind that if sex addiction becomes recognized as a mental disorder, insurances will be likely to cover costs of treatment- both private and government-run health insurance providing agencies.

Also, it is possible that criminals committing rape may be able to plea mental instability claiming that they, “simply couldn’t help themselves”.

If sexual addiction really is a mental disorder, then helping people suffering from it is our duty. However, creating another escape hatch for those committing acts of sexual harassment and rape is the last thing society needs.

Paul Hudson | Elite.