
A sewer pipe destroyed by excessive clogging lead Austin Police to the discovery of a prostitution ring operating out of a South Austin massage parlor.

According to the Austin American-Statesman, a call to service a clogged pipe revealed hundreds of condoms in an industrial disposal unit that connected the property that housed Jade Massage Therapy LLC to the city sewage system. The discovery, a major clue that ultimately led police to the prostitution ring, led to the arrest business owners, identified as Juan Wang and Joseph Emory. The duo were identified while attempting to board a plane to China at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

Two days before officers received the tip relating to the clogged pipe, Wang was stopped by security at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport with $30,000 in cash wrapped up in several duct-taped bundles, the document said.

She told police she had saved the money for a medical procedure in China, and that the money came from Jade Massage, the affidavit said. According to the document, Wang estimated that she made about $20,000 there each year.

When (an officer) pointed out that she was carrying in excess of a year’s worth of income Wang became visibly nervous and had difficulty answering further questions,” the affidavit said. Wang gave police a contact number and was allowed to board a plane to China, the document said.

Investigators found that the number was tied to a Backpage.com account that had apparent advertisements for “Jade Massage” for sexual services at a second location on Anderson Mill Road, according to the affidavit. On March 22, Austin police executed search warrants at the address and found Wang in a room with a naked man, the affidavit said.

Another woman was also found in a separate room with a naked man, according to the report.

Both Wang and Emery face charges of engaging in organized criminal activity and money laundering, the affidavit said.