Couple having sex in bed under sheets.

It’s no secret that college is usually the time where people engage in sexual experimentation the most. But occasionally, sexual exploration can lead you to some pretty uncomfortable situations.

Sometimes, it’s because you don’t know your partner as well as you thought you did…

She Knows posted a story from a girl who was excited go home with a guy she didn’t know very well, but whom she thought was pretty hot. When she got to his house, his wife was there, ready for a threesome.

While a wedding ring is usually a pretty good way to indicate whether or not someone is taken, a quick search on social media will probably give you a heads up too.

Sometimes, it can be caused by trying out a new toy…

For the love of vagina, don’t end up like this lady. New York Daily News reported that a Scottish woman went to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary after suffering from weight loss, incontinence, and lethargy. Doctors laster discovered that she had a 5-inch sex toy in her vagina. The woman said that she remembered using it during a sexual encounter 10 years prior.

I’m not sure what to even suggest as a way to avoid this situation other than regular check ups and not using a toy that can get “lost” – especially when drunk.

Sometimes, the mood strikes at the wrong time….

On TLC’s Sex Sent Me to the ER, the mood wasn’t the only thing to strike young couple Alexa and Cody. Things got heated while the two were in a field, so they decided to go for it. This time, a snake in the grass wasn’t a euphemism, Alexa ended up being rushed to the hospital after she was bitten by a venomous snake.

If you just can’t wait until you get home, maybe give the area a quick once over to make sure you’re not in an area with poison ivy or other creatures that could kill you.

Sometimes, it’s because you wanted to do that thing you saw in a porn that one time…

An anonymous writer for The Frisky shared a story about hooking up with a guy who she thought was going to go downtown on her, but instead she was shocked when he decided to go a few inches south to her backdoor instead.

There’s really only one solution here, and in any other instances where you or your partner wants to venture outside of the sexual comfort zone. As Adam and Eve says in their safer sex guide, it’s important to talk about boundaries before you try something new.

Sometimes, a lack of sexual education is to blame…

Another woman’s story was posted in Emergency!: True Stories from the Nation’s ERs. After suffering from reoccurring UTIs, the 70-year-old female went in to have a catheterized urine specimen taken for testing. The nurse was unable to find the woman’s urethra, which led the doctor to discover that the woman still had an intact hymen. She had been having sex with her husband of 52 years in her urethra. When the doctor asked the woman if she had any problems with sexual relations with her husband, she responded, “Not really. It hurt the first year or so, but it was fine after that.”

Books, internet, doctors, trusted adult – use the resources available to you. If it’s painful, somethings probably amiss.



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