For those of you who haven’t seen ‘Snow on the Bluff’ take a second and check Netflix for the documentary. The appeal of the documentary is that you never really know if the story is fictional. Recent events in Atlanta point towards it being factual.

Police say Curtis Ward, also known as documentary star Curtis Snow, barricaded himself inside the ladies room of a church on the 500 block of Spencer Street.

Police were told Ward may be armed.
Police haven’t said if they found any weapons on Ward when they arrested him.

The funeral at Higher Ground Empowerment Church was for a 94-year-old man.

The church’s pastor said Ward’s grandson got into an argument with someone at the funeral and that’s when police were called.

Police don’t know if the grandson is actually armed in the church bathroom, but armed officers are in place around the building.

“It didn’t ruin it (the funeral). The young man that’s allegedly barred inside the church, that’s his granddad. Young people grieve differently. I don’t think he was here to hurt anyone,” pastor Dexter Johnson said.

Several streets around the church were temporarily closed while police were involved in a standoff. – WSB TV

curtis snow