Video gamers world wide Sony has finally announced the PS4 will be released this Holiday season. Although Sony gave us this wonderful news they have yet to release a official image of what the new gaming console will look like. However they did give us some fun facts to prepare for the next step in Sony gaming.

The PS4 will also have 8GB of GDDR5 memory enabling lightning fast performance and response for the game and player experience. Blu-ray disk will again be featured with this console, plus HDMI output support as well as Analog-AV out and an optical digital output, features the PS3 also had. Unfortunately PS3 games will not be supported on this system so you would have to start a new gaming collection.


One of the newer features and will I think is the most unique option so far is the new Powering down formula for the PS4. Sony has revealed that you will be able to power down the PS4 mid-game and then switch it on again in seconds and pick up right where you left off. So if your in the middle of a heated NBA 2k14 battle and your Mother, Girlfriend or Wife ask you to run to the store you can stop your game, turn off your console and then return to your game again right where you stopped playing. That is unheard of in the gaming console world to date.

Sony will also release the PS4 dual shock controller when the PS4 is released. The controllers shape and feel are very similar ro the classic Playstation controller design but the Dual Shock 4 will offer a vita touchpad, upgraded vibration patterns and enhanced motion sensors making game play more realistic.

Sony hasn’t released the official release date of the PS4 but they have said it will be the “Holiday Season of 2013″ so I’m guessing close to or real near “black friday” we could see the PS4 in Walmart’s, Game Stop’s and Toys R Us’ in the United States. The console is rumored to retail around $400 U.S. dollars. Stay tune to for more info on Sony’s PS4.