Finding a quiet place to study during finals week can be a difficult task, but an establishment known for a different kind of student body is looking to help.

Show Palace, the self-proclaimed only all nude, 18 and up gentlemen’s cabaret in all of New York City, recently offered a unique promotion to college students looking for a quiet place to study during finals week. The club has been known for exclusively hiring dancers who are under 21, who are often students trying to pay their way through college, and figured: what better way to give back than by offering students free private rooms for studying?

Upon hearing of the promotion, the Elite Daily video team had so many questions. Had students taken them up on the offer? Were there strippers stripping while you studied? Were the strippers tutors? Who came up with such a genius idea!? We set up an interview with the club’s manager, Mike Diaz, to find out more about the promotion and take a tour of the club.

via elite daily