Guy logic: if I complete this task around the house for my wife, it will result in some sort of sex. Right? According to a new study, this logic is very, very wrong.

The University of Washington study shows that couples who split what are traditionally known as the wife’s duties around the house such as cooking or cleaning have less sex than those who divvy up the chores traditionally, with the man handling the yard work and the mechanical tasks such as car maintenance.


Sociologists surveyed about 4,500 heterosexual married couples, with the couples averaging having sex five times per month.

Couples with the traditional chore division had sex 1.6 more times per month.

Beware, however, as this may not apply to your wife, and this could have a detrimental effect on your sex life. Let’s be realistic: if you’re married, you probably shouldn’t be reading this.

Hugh Everett | Elite.