A new film about interning at Google (aptly titled “The Internship”) may have underperformed at the box office over the weekend, but real-life Google interns are pulling in cash that would make the average American worker green with envy.

Google Intern Salary Reaches $6,000 A Month, Plus Free Food And Gym!

The popularized image of internships as grossly underpaid summer endeavors certainly doesn’t apply at the search giant, where interns are among the highest paid in the country.

The average intern at Google makes $5,787 monthly, while software engineer interns can see monthly earnings as high as $6,432, according to data on the best companies for internships from job rating company Glassdoor.

That’s quite a chunk of change — enough to put Google in second place for highest intern salaries, according to Glassdoor. Only research interns at Microsoft get better pay, pulling in $7,050 per month.

The lowest wages among these top internships come from Merrill Lynch, which pays $1,554 per month, and Scottrade, which offers $1,715. Glassdoor’s data comes from self-submitted intern ratings of their experiences working at the organizations, with no clarification as to whether salary numbers are reported before or after taxes.

Interns at Google typically commit to three months of full-time work, which means the average intern making $6,000 monthly would take home nearly $20,000 after one summer.

Film Review The Internship

And the staggering salary is just the beginning. Google employees enjoy a ton of office perks, and interns get in on the action, too.