This story will have us all double-checking the bill when we go out to eat. Three women went to a casino and ordered some food, but when they got the bill there was a bit of a discrepancy with how the server addressed his customers.

The server billed them as being “Fat Girls” for being especially heavyset.

You would think that after such a disrespectful act the casino would try to make up for it, but they just insulted the women even further. The manager smirked about it as if it was funny or okay, then only offered a 25% discount.

The women refused, prompting the manager to bring the offer up to 50% of the bill. These must have been some angry women because they still refused to pay a dime for their food.

That same night, the women received a message from the casino owner apologizing for his staff and told them the server was fired. Lesson learned. Call a woman fat and you simply cannot escape the wrath that comes in response.

Andrew Alvez | Elite.