They say you never really know what you have until it’s gone, and we learned that the hard way last year when Hostess announced it was shuttering its factory doors and would no longer be producing its cream-filled goodies, including the oh-so-delicious Twinkies.

In typical American fashion, we panicked, despite being the reason Hostess was going bankrupt in the first place.

Once something is gone, we really appreciate it: how many of you were really Whitney Houston fans before she died? And no, I don’t mean you could recite her version of “I Will Always Love You.” Yes, it was actually a Dolly Parton cover.

I digress. The good people at investment firm Apollo Global Management teamed up with Metropoulos & Co. to purchase Hostess after it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for a cool $410 million.


Apollo Global Management is known for purchasing troubled brands and turning them profitable again, previously buying fast food chains Carl Jr.’s and Hardee’s, as well as canned ravioli and diarrhea-inducer Chef Boyardee.

It seems like Apollo Global Management specializes in foods that disagree with the human digestive process.

To add to its arsenal of deadly foods, Twinkies will once again hit shelves on July 15 after missing in action for months, in what Hostess is branding as the “sweetest comeback in the history of ever.”

“A lot of impostor products have come to the market while Hostess has been off the shelves,” says Daren Metropoulos of the investment firm Metropoulos & Co.
During the company’s hiatus, individual Twinkies were sold for thousands of dollars, with one eBay auction for a sealed box of 10 Twinkies starting at $200,000.

Don’t worry, a box of ten will cost what it did before the hiatus: $3.95.

What’s the difference? The 15,000 unionized workers will not be producing the cream-filled goods. Some of them will return, but they will lose their benefits of being in a union.

That’s right: your greed and need for fat-filled snacks has cost some poor factory workers their benefits. Enjoy your unethical Twinkies.

Via: DailyMail, Photo courtesy ABC News