Yay, it comes with the same games you’ve already been playing at a friend’s house.

Today Nintendo announced that they were bringing their once-monstrous selling hardware down a notch in the price department. Starting at $129.99, you can now get a bundled console with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, the former being bundled since inception. Is this the time for you to buy a Wii? Because you should do it, before it’s too late.

But now that I think about it, this is probably the worst gift to give this holiday. You see, everyone already has a Wii, they hit their saturation point years ago when they stopped selling out in every single store for years on end. Do you want to be that unfortunate uncle or aunt who gave their loved one a last-generation motion-based console with visuals so jagged they could saw their face off with them? Seriously, have you looked at Wii game recently on a decently-sized, non-tube TV, aka: every new set made available in the past half-decade? It’s horrendous. Why did people put up with this. Known fact: the Wii exudes a powerful aura, perhaps through some toxic substance, that allows most people to forgive its underwhelming experience. Adding to that fact will be Nintendo pushing the Wii U this holiday, turning your screaming little monster (or you, if you are that screaming little monster) into a screaming little monster that now wants Nintendo’s latest and greatest, starting at $299.99.

Don’t be that relative. Just get your kid an Xbox.

Found on FleshEatingZipper. Tech/Business