This may look like something someone with a debilitating neck injury, but it may be the first thing on your holiday wish list this December.

This is the UpRight Sleeper, and it allows the user a “peaceful slumber while sitting up straight in a car, train or plane.”

You read that correctly, ladies and gentlemen. You can now sit up and nap without straining your neck or sleeping on your hand.

This is part of a new industry, appropriately entitled “snooze accessories.”

The contraption, which looks like something to stabilize somebody’s neck and spine after a neck injury, sells for $30, and adjusts so users of all sizes can wear it comfortably.

It can be fitted to go around the forehead or under the chin.

“It’s 100 percent adjustable for every face shape and size,” said a spokesperson for the firm.

“You simply throw the strap over your head.

“Tilt your head upward. Trap the strap, which is patented, between your back and the seat. Lean back, relax your head and go to sleep.”

The only roadblock you’ll have to deal with is people asking what horrific accident caused your injury, but a small explanation is worth the comfortable sleep on the road.

Jordan Shepherd | Elite.