For any who feels that recent developments in wearable technology is borderline invasive, this one will take the cake.

Google has invented a “smart contact lens” that literally brings technology in direct contact with your corneas. If Old Gregg had anything to add here, he’d call this “as close as you can get to the Internet without your eyes getting wet.”

Developed in Google X lab and patented in 2012, the contact lens is designed with an embedded circuit, camera and sensor. The tech allows wears to take and process raw images from their lens.

The true mastery of this product is what it could mean for blind wearers. By capturing images via lenses, the photos could relay environmental factors through a different sense.

If an object appears before a visually impaired wearer, a buzz or vibration could be transmitted as an alert.

I only wonder what this smart lens can do that Google Glass cannot. I mean, they seem to achieve the same functionality. Is it absolutely necessary the tech touches our eyeballs? This seems a bit too close for comfort.
