Women say labor pain is the most excruciating pain human beings have to experience, but they have to be exaggerating, right?

There’s no way what they go through before giving birth could be more painful than what men go through all the time, right?

Two brave men decided to simulate the pain of entering labor by attaching electrodes to their abdomens, creating contractions.

Dr. Julie Masters oversaw the procedure, and let me tell you, the results aren’t pretty.

The men can be seen squirming around as the contractions become worse and worse.

The stunt was done in honor of Mother’s Day, and the men did it in front of their wives, who gave moral support in a twisted role reversal.

I’m thankful I never have to go through any of this! Despite their pain, it was well worth it, as it resulted in this hilarious video.

Check it out below, and be sure to tell your mother you love her!